Uniserver B.V.

IT, Technology & Telecom

Robijnstraat 3, 1812 RB Alkmaar

The distinguishing characteristic of Uniserver

As a Dutch cloud distributor, Uniserver offers modern IT organisations the freedom and security to focus on their own strength: creating value for customers and end users. Our solutions, knowledge and experience, complemented by your expertise, enable us to elevate your digital service delivery to a higher level together.

Innovate without investing

Our focus is on the cloud. We ensure that our platform is always ready for the latest technology, so you don't miss any sales opportunities. We develop our own cloud solutions that you can use directly. And we also work with our partners to develop the best cloud propositions for their customers. This allows your organisation to innovate without investing.

Agile for every next step

The strength of our ecosystem is unparalleled. We work closely throughout the chain, including with vendors, data centres and auditors. Through this knowledge network, we enable you to take your next step with confidence. Our solutions are building blocks. You can therefore combine endlessly to optimise your service and develop new services.

The highest quality at the best price

We invest in your growth, with sales support, marketing budget, training and a customer success team. And you don't pay anything extra for this. We take the time-consuming management of the infrastructure off your hands, so you have more time for your customers. And if something does go wrong, we are available 24/7 to provide support.

Simplicity makes collaboration more fun 

We make clear agreements and define responsibilities with you in advance. This way, we know exactly what to expect from each other. And this saves valuable time. Our partner portal is a one-stop-shop for everything: viewing invoices, consulting service documents, logging support tickets, scaling up and down your services - it can all be done in MyUniserver.

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Services at PLTFRM: 4

Virtual Datacenter

Categorie: Cloud - Private Cloud

The Uniserver Virtual Datacenter is a virtual environment where the right amount of capacity based on primary needs is managed securely. Together with our IT partners, we can set up the entire online environment based on your requirements. Furthermore, you only pay for what you use: per hour, per number per month, or per peak per month. Exactly what you need to let go of IT worries and focus on your own business.
A Virtual Datacenter (VDC) is the ideal solution for a fully scalable virtual environment that can be provided as a total solution per end customer, aiming for simplicity in service management and billing. Within the Virtual Datacenter, as a partner, you have maximum flexibility over the setup and costs of this environment. You decide which servers run when and with which software. If temporary additional capacity is needed, it can easily be adjusted.
Allocate your resources per end customer. As a partner, you acquire a pool of resources that includes all the necessary elements to set up a complete server environment for your end users – namely processing power (vCPU), memory capacity (RAM), and storage capacity (GB). Through the user-friendly self-service management portal, you can easily create and manage this virtual environment yourself. This way, as a partner, you have maximum control and retain flexibility over the setup and costs of your environment. And if you require temporary additional or reduced capacity, you can easily scale up and down.
VDC was developed because our partners and customers need specific functionalities that are often lacking in traditional IAAS platforms: API support, a complete Pay-per-Use model, and richer functionality in terms of self-sufficiency.

Migration as a Service (MaaS)

Categorie: Cloud - Private Cloud

With the Uniserver Migration as a Service, a dedicated migration team will guide you through all aspects of the migration process, following a proven process. This team consists of multidisciplinary technical project managers, engineers, network engineers, and platform engineers. Their primary task is to carry out your migration to satisfaction.
By choosing Uniserver, you are opting for scalability, infrastructure continuity, and future innovation. In many cases, when switching to Uniserver, there will be an existing infrastructure in place. This infrastructure is currently likely located in your own data centre, colocation facility, or on-premises in your own business premises. This existing infrastructure will be migrated to the Uniserver Cloud Platform. The MaaS service provides specific details on how Uniserver will help you make a successful transition so that you can benefit from Uniserver's advantages as quickly as possible.
Uniserver Cloud PlatformThe four Uniserver data centres are geographically separated and located on Dutch soil. Uniserver follows a Hybrid Cloud strategy, providing both Private Cloud and Public Cloud solutions depending on the use case (requirements/wishes/security guidelines and compliance). The Uni Cloud Connect serves as the 'highway' delivering connectivity to the Public Cloud.
Cloud JourneyUniserver offers consultancy services to assist you in taking the right steps and making informed choices 'in the journey to the Cloud'. Consultancy includes Workshops, and a Roadmap is jointly created that aligns with your situation.