Software Partner

Koningslaan 60, 3583 GN Utrecht


PLTFRM is a Dutch tech startup founded to realize successful collaborations between like-minded customers and IT service providers. The platform brings supply and demand together, ensures good cooperation between customer and partners, and takes responsibility for the success of the collaborations. In this way, companies can easily purchase IT services from a set of collaborating experts at PLTFRM. By offering greater choice in the procurement of IT services, PLTFRM democratizes the market for IT services.

“Successful IT services should be accessible to every organization, but unfortunately, many IT projects still fail too often. For example, costs are not under control, the customer-supplier relationship is disrupted, or the project results do not meet expectations,” says Jasper Fioole, co-founder of PLTFRM. “With our approach, we want to show that it can be done differently. We start projects with clear and uniform expectations, work transparently with all parties involved, and relieve customers with factual data-driven IT management. In this way, known pitfalls are avoided and the collective flourishes.”

“Thanks to the wide range of IT service providers and IT services, PLTFRM is able to offer a specialized alternative to traditional outsourcing to a single supplier. There are so many innovative service providers in the Netherlands who get fewer opportunities because they specialize. That's a shame,” says Rolf van Anholt, co-founder of PLTFRM. “Our partners are carefully selected and excel in a field or expertise. By letting these partners work together, you create powerful ecosystems that offer high-quality services for every possible IT challenge. With the help of PLTFRM, it becomes possible for these mainly Dutch specialized service providers to support governments, large companies and SMEs in collaboration.”

“That leads to great opportunities,” adds co-founder Sander Ellerman of PLTFRM. “There are so many innovative services that can make a difference, but are still not very well known. With PLTFRM, organizations get easy access to additional services that would otherwise be unknown or difficult to find. For example, to promote the circular economy, we work together with a service provider that can reuse or recycle economically depreciated laptops. These can then end up at healthcare or educational institutions where the hardware gets a second life. We also work with specialists in the field of cybersecurity, among others. By combining multiple services, a layered cybersecurity model is created that prevents ransomware attacks better than by using just one solution. The possibilities of the model are endless.”

Here are some of the key features of PLTFRM:

  • Single point of contact: PLTFRM is a single point of contact for both customers and partners, which simplifies the procurement process and reduces administrative overhead.
  • Transparent collaboration: PLTFRM provides a transparent platform where customers can easily track the progress of their projects and communicate with all parties involved.
  • Data-driven IT management: PLTFRM uses data-driven insights to help customers make informed decisions about their IT infrastructure and services.
  • Wide range of IT services: PLTFRM offers a wide range of IT services from a variety of specialized providers, giving customers the choice and flexibility they need.
  • Circular economy: PLTFRM is committed to promoting the circular economy by working with partners that can reuse or recycle IT equipment.
  • Cybersecurity: PLTFRM offers a layered cybersecurity model that helps customers protect their data from ransomware attacks.

PLTFRM is a new and innovative platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way IT services are procured and delivered. By offering a single point of contact, transparent collaboration, data-driven IT management, and a wide range of services, PLTFRM is making it easier for organizations of all sizes to get the IT support they need.

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Services at PLTFRM: 2

Cybersecurity Assessment

Categorie: Cybersecurity - Security Assessment

Cybersecurity: An essential part of every business operation


Cybersecurity is of paramount importance as businesses become increasingly reliant on digital systems and technologies for their daily operations. This makes everyone vulnerable to cyberattacks aimed at stealing data, sending fraudulent invoices, or taking an organization hostage by disrupting business operations. A successful cyberattack can lead to the loss of confidential information, revenue, and reputational damage for an organization.

Cybercrime prevention as a business imperative

Cybercrime prevention has therefore become an indispensable part of business operations. Organizations can no longer exist without investing in cybersecurity. It is important to tailor this investment to the risks that the organization itself faces. In this way, a certain level of security can be achieved with a cost-effective investment. This allows you, as an organization, to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and to continue your activities uninterrupted.

Compliance with regulations and standards

The same approach applies to organizations that want to organize cybersecurity to comply with the GDPR, the new NIS2 directive, or want to obtain certifications in the short term. These kinds of projects are already a time investment. By covering the right cyber risks with a thoughtful implementation, it means that many of the necessary measures can be implemented with solutions, processes, and training that are still needed to protect an organization against cybercriminals.

PLTFRM Cybersecurity Assessment

As an independent cybersecurity expert, PLTFRM helps objectively, strategically, and independently to map out the risks at a strategic level and reports in a way that is easy for everyone to understand. This ensures that the IT department, business, developers, and management speak the same language about cybersecurity. The report uses a visual to explain the attack surface and identifies all risks. For these risks, the necessary measures are then made clear in a 9-box model. One axis shows preventive, monitoring, and reactive solutions, and the other axis divides solutions into people, processes, and technology solutions. To ensure that the organization's change capacity is not exceeded, PLTFRM helps to prioritize the solutions. In consultation, a 7-step plan is created, so that the most efficient measures can be implemented first. The organization itself chooses which steps to take, whether to outsource to existing partners, or where PLTFRM can provide solutions.

PLTFRM's approach

PLTFRM conducts a security assessment and also relies on a network of specialized experts so that the best possible solution can be used for each specific risk. We work together with you to define your needs and translate your wishes into an action plan. Based on various criteria, we select suitable solutions for your organization, with which we help you to mitigate the most risks at the best price and support you in obtaining the right certification.


Cybersecurity is a critical issue for all businesses, and it is essential to have a comprehensive plan in place to protect your organization from cyberattacks. PLTFRM can help you to assess your risks, develop a plan, and implement the necessary solutions to keep your organization safe.