Oaktree Group

Manufacturing & Automotive, Healthcare, Government & Education, Transportation & Leisure, Legal & Financial, Energy, Oil & Gas, E-commerce & Retail

Round Trip 1, 1507 CC Zaandam

The Oaktree Group is a solid and ambitious organisation with a passion for ICT, and the cloud as a natural habitat. We deliver ICT and Unified Communications solutions. Tailored exactly to our highly diverse clients, so they can perform smarter and better. Nice to meet you!
Versatility is our speciality: we offer a comprehensive package of various ICT services. Thanks to the composition of our group, we can offer a complete package of ICT-related solutions, with customisation being our great strength. We provide a rich set of shiny ICT products; we have answers to a wide variety of issues. We offer solutions that are all strongly focused on efficiency, smarter working, Fort Knox-like security, and being connected always and everywhere. Whenever and wherever: we ensure that you can always communicate and network.
Managed services Our services are mostly based on the managed services principle. You can best see this as an ICT subscription. For a fixed and competitive monthly fee, the Oaktree Group offers you the certainty and comfort of the best that ICT has to offer. We meet your needs with a package that fits like a custom-made suit. And we make sure it stays perfectly in place, because our services are always scalable and flexible. For you as a customer of the Oaktree Group, our managed services provision has even more major advantages. No investments, no unpleasant financial surprises, the certainty of perfect, 24/7 service, and the guarantee of hardware and software that is always up-to-date and excellently secured. And if your organisation requires it, we provide consultancy. That way, we are your remote ICT department, but at the same time very close by when needed. This allows you to focus on the things you excel at. It works much more pleasantly.
Let us take care of your information technologyThrough our experience and knowledge, in most cases, the Oaktree Group is able to identify the ICT needs within your organisation. We are happy to take on the role of your trusted advisor to comprehensively manage and streamline your information technology. We have a suitable solution guaranteed for every ICT issue. And we would love to demonstrate this at your organisation too!

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Services at PLTFRM: 4

Smart Workspace

Categorie: Workspace - User Experience

Not so long ago, the office was the place where you worked. In recent years, however, the concept of a ‘workplace’ has become much broader. Thanks to technological advancements, you can work virtually anywhere: at the dining table at home, on the train, or in a hotel in Singapore. To collaborate effectively, you no longer need to be in close proximity to each other. The presence of technical facilities is essential for efficient on-site work, and that's where the Oaktree Group comes in. Amidst all technological changes, the Oaktree Group is the stable partner that shapes the workspace within your company. We ensure that access to files and email is guaranteed at all times, and that the trusted Microsoft Windows and Office Professional software is always functional and up-to-date.
Our promiseWe have extensive knowledge of processes and needs within the business world. As a result, we are able to offer a complete workstation for a fixed monthly fee. The Oaktree Group provides a comprehensive workplace with all the necessary features and hardware and software. Always fast, up-to-date, scalable, and with support from our network experts. This includes providing replacement hardware in case of a crash. You will be back to work in no time! And we can assure you that we will never compromise on functionality and quality in the process.
Your benefitBy choosing the Smart Workplace from the Oaktree Group, you opt for quality, comprehensiveness, and flexibility. You specify which programs are used within your organisation, and we take care of the rest. Everything needed for successful on-site work is included. You pay per workstation per month and make use of the best systems. All administration (asset management and life-cycle management) is naturally in our hands. All in all, a more than smart choice.

Datacenter Solutions

Categorie: Cloud - Private Cloud

The data centre is the beating heart of your cloud-based organisation. A reliable, high-performance data centre is essential for the continuity of your business operations. It is therefore worthwhile to invest in a reliable data centre. At the same time, a data centre is a significant expense due to the investment, necessary maintenance, and high energy consumption. We distinguish three different types of clouds: • Public cloud: here you fully utilise a cloud provider. Servers, networks, storage, and data are virtualised and shared with others. • Private cloud: Here you utilise your own virtual infrastructure, either on-site or with your cloud provider. This is not shared with others and is completely shielded. • Hybrid cloud: Here you combine the use of both private and public cloud solutions. Thanks to our extensive experience in designing, building, and managing data centres, the Oaktree Group is able to combine business continuity with sustainable technology and cost savings: cloud solutions that truly make you feel on cloud nine. Our promise Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to have an on-premises data centre. It is perfectly feasible for us to manage your data centre at a central location and provide you with access to all your information through the cloud. The Oaktree Group helps you set up cloud platforms, migrate on-premise environments to the cloud, and manage the cloud environment operationally. The Oaktree Group has data centres in the Netherlands that are proactively monitored and managed 24/7. Your benefit You are essentially renting a data centre and paying based on actual usage. By utilising Oaktree Group cloud solutions, you can quickly innovate and implement new technology for your voice and data needs without having to invest in your own hardware and software. Fast, scalable, and secure!

Networking & Connectivity

Categorie: Cloud - Connectivity (Network)

Not so long ago, the desktop PC was the only device in the office connected to the internet. We don't need to tell you that times are changing. Not only people are using the cloud. Everyday objects, like cars, thermostats, and refrigerators, are increasingly using the internet to connect to the cloud. This is how the Internet of Things is born. The Internet of Things is growing incredibly fast. We expect that by 2020, between 30 and 75 billion objects will be part of this network. The importance of perfect connectivity is greater than ever and will become even more important in the future. It’s all about the application!

Our promise

The internet solutions of the Oaktree Group provide lightning-fast, reliable, and secure connections for business users. This includes internet connections over all conceivable carriers, complete corporate networks, dark fibre, mobile radio and microwave connections, and temporary or permanent LAN, WAN, or data connections. In short: managing all your connectivity is in safe hands with the Oaktree Group. The Oaktree Group has an extremely favourable position at one of the world's major internet exchange points (Nikhef-CERN). This allows us to build incredibly reliable, fast, and flexible solutions. All our connections are certified, secured, and are closely monitored every moment of the day. This means you have the best internet available.

Your benefit

With the Oaktree Group, you are assured of lightning-fast internet. A reliable network, unparalleled uptime, always accessible ports, and the certainty that your connectivity is being monitored. In our Network Operating Center (NOC), our experts proactively monitor your environment, so you can optimally use your (business-critical) applications. The Oaktree Group grows with your business, ensures continuity, and our services are flexibly expandable. A reassuring feeling!