It's Value

Transportation & Leisure, Legal & Financial, Manufacturing & Automotive, Energy, Oil & Gas

Papendorpseweg 100, 3528 BJ Utrecht


Enhance the effectiveness of your organisation with IT. Companies are undergoing unprecedented transformations driven by technological advancements. Brands like Tesla and Airbnb quickly capture our imagination, but they do not stand alone. Digital transformation impacts every sector. This makes effective IT management crucial. Put simply: to stay in business, you need to have maximum control over the costs, quality, and performance of your IT organisation.
The question is: how do you achieve that? Incomprehensible processes and insufficient alignment with the business often turn IT into a black box. With our expertise in Technology Business Management (TBM), we can bring about change and position IT as a valuable strategic partner within your organisation.
Do not expect days filled with strategy sessions from us. Standing on the sidelines with well-intentioned advice is not our style. Ideally, we prefer to dive right in with you, armed with a wealth of experience to effectively fulfil the role of IT within your organisation.
What characterises It's Value?-    Passion for business and technology-    Down-to-earth data analyses-    Own IT-Finance expert community-    Quick results with a flexible approach-    Independent Technology Business Management implementation partner

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Services at PLTFRM: 4

IT-Finance Value Assessment

Categorie: Strategy & Consultancy - IT Finance