hihaho interactive video

Government & Education

Kloekhorststraat 29, 9401 BB Assen

We are an online platform that enables everyone to turn an ordinary video into a fully interactive experience. Hihaho is used for interactive video in education and L&D, marketing and public outreach, and entertainment. We provide you with the tools to add all sorts of interactive elements to your video. This transforms the viewer from a passive spectator into an active participant.

But we are more than just a technically excellent and user-friendly platform. We are a committed partner with extensive knowledge about how to communicate with your target audience and achieve the desired results. We are available 24/7 for you, share our knowledge and help you where necessary. And if you want to outsource the production of interactive video, you can also turn to our specialised production house.

We believe in the power of interactive video and that's why we make it widely accessible to users, viewers, people who want to instruct and people who want to learn. We do this with our state-of-the-art, user-friendly online platform for creating and distributing interactive video. The platform and its built-in features make it easy for users to produce good, effective interactive videos. But above all, it's our shared knowledge and the support we provide that enables our users to develop, produce and distribute better, more effective videos. So this is also our promise to our customers, potential customers, partners, the users of our platform and the viewers of the videos made with it.

Watch the demo here!

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