EYE Security

IT, Technology & Telecom, Transportation & Leisure, Legal & Financial, Healthcare, Government & Education, Manufacturing & Automotive, Energy, Oil & Gas, E-commerce & Retail

Saturnusstraat 54-60, 2516 AH The Hague


EYE Security protects small and medium-sized European businesses from cyber threats and the high costs that follow a cyber attack. EYE consists of a specialised team of individuals with backgrounds in both intelligence services and commercial organisations.

We understand the threat landscape and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in combating cybercrime.
Our goal is to relieve SMEs with an affordable all-in-one package that protects them from cyber threats. Our services combine endpoint monitoring with awareness campaigns, a 24/7 incident response strategy, and cyber insurance.

We are a Dutch cybersecurity company, founded in early 2020 by a group of former AIVD employees. After contributing together for years to the cyber programme of the Dutch government, we founded EYE. Together, we have a mission: to digitally protect Europe.

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