
Transportation & Leisure, Legal & Financial, Manufacturing & Automotive, Energy, Oil & Gas, E-commerce & Retail

Kosterijland 10, 3981 AJ Bunnik

CloudNation transforms and accelerates organisations with high ambitions in the public cloud. We do this with our public cloud knowledge, expertise and experience. Whether it's AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, CloudNation knows how.

Fiercely independent, CloudNation is one of the few independent public cloud service providers in the Netherlands. We stay on top of the latest developments and hold all imaginable certifications in AWS, Azure, GCP and OCI. This results in complete transparency and independent cloud advice, and we probably don't need to tell you why that's important.

Highly skilled enthusiasts: Most people think of cloud in terms of technology. We think of people. Empowering people is what we excel at and where we make the real difference. Every day, more than 50 top-notch cloud specialists help build the best cloud solutions in the Netherlands. Our list of badges is too long to mention here, from being an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner to a Microsoft Gold Partner and more, but rest assured, CloudNation Knows How. Knowing how doesn't just mean that we have the knowledge; it also means we know exactly how adoption and knowledge transfer are secured. Like you, we also detest lock-in. That's why we are all intrinsically driven to make you independent and self-sufficient. Our clients refer to this as "The CloudNation Effect", and we are very proud of that.

CloudNation is here to accelerate your cloud transformation. Let's connect.

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Services at PLTFRM: 3

AWS Well-Architected Review by CloudNation

Categorie: Cloud - Cloud Review

How does your AWS cloud architecture compare to industry best practices? Are you sure your monthly AWS expenses are fully optimised? Are you confident that your AWS platform is well protected against security risks?
Your AWS environment is constantly changing. Engineers are continuously starting new instances, altering security groups, and experimenting with new AWS services. So how do you ensure that your cloud doesn't become spaghetti?
AWS recommends a Well-Architected Review every 12-18 months. This is a set of best practice guidelines for running applications and CloudNation provides this for you. We assess your workloads in AWS by comparing them to best practices in the following pillars:- Operational Excellence- Security- Reliability- Performance Efficiency- Cost Optimization
The result? You receive a whole range of valuable and actionable insights into your AWS infrastructure for free*.
What does a Well-Architected Review by CloudNation look like?1.     Kick-off meeting to get to know you and your workloads in AWS.2.    Your team answers fundamental questions from the AWS Well-Architected Framework.3.    2-4 hour workshop to go over the questions, identify missing puzzle pieces, and test your answers.4.    Delivery of the Well-Architected Review report.5.    Delivery of the improvement plan with a list of prioritised recommendations to resolve high-risk issues.6.    Addressing a selection of the identified high-risk issues (at least 45% of high-risk issues are resolved).7.    Follow-up meeting to discuss improvements.8.    Submission of the Well-Architected Review to AWS and receive $5,000 in Well-Architected Service Credits.