

Over the past 10 years, there has been a massive automation battle in the IT infrastructure market. Service providers deliver easy to set up building blocks that work together seamlessly. In addition, you only pay for what you use.

Organizations are therefore often faced with the choice, "to cloud or not to cloud". There are organizations that pursue a 100% cloud strategy and there are organizations that back away from it. For most organizations, the ideal lies somewhere in the middle.

Getting the most out of a modern, automated and integrated cloud environment also requires that you bring your current environment up to a similar level. By doing so, you ensure that your data or workload is easier to move from cloud to cloud. After all, transferring applications and workloads to a cloud is not a given. You will therefore have to determine per workload or application in which cloud it can run best.

From PLTFRM we help organizations with the various cloud issues, regardless of where you are on your cloud journey.

The services that can be purchased for cloud via PLTFRM are:

  • Cloud Readiness & migration: Reviewing the status resulting in a report with action list and recommendations to modernize the current environment, add more automation to enable cloud transformation. The PLTFRM network of expert partners is also available for the final migration services.
  • Public, Private, Hybrid: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid or other cloud forms to create the ideal cloud for your organization with PLTFRM partners. This can include Landing Zone-as-a-Service, Oracle cloud, IBM Power Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Linux, VMware, Microsoft and container services.
  • Connectivity: Designing, implementing and managing the LAN, WAN, SD-WAN and other connectivity solutions for the edge, core and cloud. Examples include solutions for home workers, retail, office and IOT.

Results: 8 Services




PLTFRM services


Networking & Connectivity

Categorie: Connectivity (Network)

Not so long ago, the desktop PC was the only device in the office connected to the internet. We don't need to tell you that times are changing. Not only people are using the cloud. Everyday objects, like cars, thermostats, and refrigerators, are increasingly using the internet to connect to the cloud. This is how the Internet of Things is born. The Internet of Things is growing incredibly fast. We expect that by 2020, between 30 and 75 billion objects will be part of this network. The importance of perfect connectivity is greater than ever and will become even more important in the future. It’s all about the application!

Our promise

The internet solutions of the Oaktree Group provide lightning-fast, reliable, and secure connections for business users. This includes internet connections over all conceivable carriers, complete corporate networks, dark fibre, mobile radio and microwave connections, and temporary or permanent LAN, WAN, or data connections. In short: managing all your connectivity is in safe hands with the Oaktree Group. The Oaktree Group has an extremely favourable position at one of the world's major internet exchange points (Nikhef-CERN). This allows us to build incredibly reliable, fast, and flexible solutions. All our connections are certified, secured, and are closely monitored every moment of the day. This means you have the best internet available.

Your benefit

With the Oaktree Group, you are assured of lightning-fast internet. A reliable network, unparalleled uptime, always accessible ports, and the certainty that your connectivity is being monitored. In our Network Operating Center (NOC), our experts proactively monitor your environment, so you can optimally use your (business-critical) applications. The Oaktree Group grows with your business, ensures continuity, and our services are flexibly expandable. A reassuring feeling!