
IT, Technology & Telecom, Healthcare, Government & Education

Pruimendijk 1, 2988 XM Ridderkerk

We were founded in 2002 and offer total ICT solutions to every company, such as Startportaal, VaMo telephony, and various Cloud solutions. Our approach is fast, direct, and - according to our clients - very distinctive! We are not a cumbersome organisation, with short and direct lines. Our mentality is not to talk, but to act!

We genuinely believe that the customer is always at the centre. Our dedicated and enthusiastic team always go above and beyond to serve you, our customer, well. You do not just choose 4Consult for its ICT services. You choose us because we are more than a standard ICT company. We stand for proven quality, clear communication, partnership, expertise, and completely taking care of our customers.

We want to make the work of our customers easier, more enjoyable, and more efficient. And we succeed: with around 20 years of experience and a great passion for our work, we offer robust ICT solutions. We have a large customer base in the healthcare sector. Our knowledge of ICT that fits within healthcare institutions has been built up over a period of more than 20 years. Our online workplace (Startportaal) is the flagship of our services, but we also provide Networking-as-a-Service, hosting and connectivity, (hybrid) cloud solutions, cybersecurity services, and consultancy.

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Services at PLTFRM: 3

Start Portal Online Workplace

Categorie: Workspace - Virtual Workspace

Through Startportaal, companies can unlock all the applications used within the organisation. Whether it's SaaS solutions, legacy applications, third-party business apps or even local applications. Startportaal works easily, via any browser and from any device. Depending on the user's role, you can fully personalise Startportaal. Decide for yourself which applications and data are displayed and what can be left out. You can even do this at the device level! Why show the Photoshop application on your tablet when you only use it on your computer?

The device used by the employee no longer contains any data. So, don't worry about the organisation's or customers' data being leaked if a device is stolen or lost. The organisation decides when to enforce Multi-Factor Authentication. This can be done, for example, per IP address, device or operating system. Are you working at the IP address of your favourite restaurant or do you want to make some changes to a Word document from your beach chair in Spain? This is possible, but only after your authentication.

Employees can work in a task-oriented app that is easily accessible on a mobile device. They are not obliged to log in to a slow and complex application that only works on a fixed computer with a large screen. This increases productivity, especially for employees who do not require a fixed workspace, such as those in healthcare, education, logistics or account managers. 

 Startportaal operates entirely in the cloud. This means that maintenance and management can fully be handed over to 4Consult. This allows the IT department to focus entirely on supporting the core business. This can result in significant cost savings. Startportaal operates on a pay-per-use basis: payment is only made for the number of employees using Startportaal. Organisations can easily scale up with growth without having to make large investments upfront. And in the case of downsizing, costs decrease proportionally. Startportaal is always rolled out within an organisation with an adoption strategy. This strategy is focused on end-users. They are motivated, engaged and involved in the process and results.

Security as a Service

Categorie: Cybersecurity - Security monitoring

4Consult is an expert in the field of cyber security. To keep it clear for our partners, we offer different security packages that can also be combined.

DDOS Security

Criminal activity is increasingly taking place online. Every year, we see the number of DDOS attacks increasing in both quantity and size, as well as complexity. The goal of a DDOS attack is to completely shut down a company. In most cases, a ransom is demanded before the attack will stop. Unfortunately, it often makes no sense to pay.

4Consult offers research aimed at inventorying what can be done within your company to prevent DDOS attacks.

WAN Infra

Hackers are becoming smarter and it is becoming more profitable to break into companies. In many cases, companies unfortunately only find out years later that hackers have been (or are) active on their corporate network.

Often, the attacker's goal is to obtain money (in digital currency) by demanding ransom. But obtaining information is also very interesting for attackers. To prevent digital attacks, we offer a so-called grey scan. This results in a report with advice.


The weak point in the security of ICT systems is often the staff working with the systems. Unintentionally, employees cause billions of euros in damage by clicking on wrong links, opening infected files, or responding to requests to have a look by so-called Microsoft employees.

That's why at 4Consult we offer special awareness trainings. During these trainings, topics such as: What should you pay attention to? What could you do to ensure that you are better protected against phishing? How can you ensure that your staff is more alert to such attempts to obtain data?

Crypto- and ransomware

Of all digital attacks, crypto- and ransomware is the most unpleasant to experience. There are countless examples of companies that have fallen victim to crypto- or ransomware attacks, where the company does not "survive" the attack and has had to cease operations.

We can investigate the status of your company and the risk you face in the event of a crypto- or ransomware attack. We create a report with our findings and present them to the management and/or the board of your organisation at a later date.

Log analysis

Every application and/or device in the IT environment produces logs. These logs are usually very large and, due to the amount of data, difficult to analyse for the human eye.