

Over the past 10 years, there has been a massive automation battle in the IT infrastructure market. Service providers deliver easy to set up building blocks that work together seamlessly. In addition, you only pay for what you use.

Organizations are therefore often faced with the choice, "to cloud or not to cloud". There are organizations that pursue a 100% cloud strategy and there are organizations that back away from it. For most organizations, the ideal lies somewhere in the middle.

Getting the most out of a modern, automated and integrated cloud environment also requires that you bring your current environment up to a similar level. By doing so, you ensure that your data or workload is easier to move from cloud to cloud. After all, transferring applications and workloads to a cloud is not a given. You will therefore have to determine per workload or application in which cloud it can run best.

From PLTFRM we help organizations with the various cloud issues, regardless of where you are on your cloud journey.

The services that can be purchased for cloud via PLTFRM are:

  • Cloud Readiness & migration: Reviewing the status resulting in a report with action list and recommendations to modernize the current environment, add more automation to enable cloud transformation. The PLTFRM network of expert partners is also available for the final migration services.
  • Public, Private, Hybrid: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid or other cloud forms to create the ideal cloud for your organization with PLTFRM partners. This can include Landing Zone-as-a-Service, Oracle cloud, IBM Power Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Linux, VMware, Microsoft and container services.
  • Connectivity: Designing, implementing and managing the LAN, WAN, SD-WAN and other connectivity solutions for the edge, core and cloud. Examples include solutions for home workers, retail, office and IOT.

Results: 3 Services




PLTFRM services


AWS Well-Architected Review by CloudNation

Categorie: Cloud Review

How does your AWS cloud architecture compare to industry best practices? Are you sure your monthly AWS expenses are fully optimised? Are you confident that your AWS platform is well protected against security risks?
Your AWS environment is constantly changing. Engineers are continuously starting new instances, altering security groups, and experimenting with new AWS services. So how do you ensure that your cloud doesn't become spaghetti?
AWS recommends a Well-Architected Review every 12-18 months. This is a set of best practice guidelines for running applications and CloudNation provides this for you. We assess your workloads in AWS by comparing them to best practices in the following pillars:- Operational Excellence- Security- Reliability- Performance Efficiency- Cost Optimization
The result? You receive a whole range of valuable and actionable insights into your AWS infrastructure for free*.
What does a Well-Architected Review by CloudNation look like?1.     Kick-off meeting to get to know you and your workloads in AWS.2.    Your team answers fundamental questions from the AWS Well-Architected Framework.3.    2-4 hour workshop to go over the questions, identify missing puzzle pieces, and test your answers.4.    Delivery of the Well-Architected Review report.5.    Delivery of the improvement plan with a list of prioritised recommendations to resolve high-risk issues.6.    Addressing a selection of the identified high-risk issues (at least 45% of high-risk issues are resolved).7.    Follow-up meeting to discuss improvements.8.    Submission of the Well-Architected Review to AWS and receive $5,000 in Well-Architected Service Credits.




PLTFRM services


Network Performance Testing

Categorie: Cloud Review

To ensure that the infrastructure performs as expected, testing is essential. The challenge lies in the fact that testing in data centres or environments where a standalone component or chain of components is heavily demanded can no longer be done with a set of client devices or servers. For this, NtwrkPeople offers Performance Testing services. Through our testing methods, we can simulate large numbers of users, adjust traffic according to the required tests, and generate high bandwidths. The tests are service-disruptive due to their active nature. We conduct the tests at a time specified by the customer, in a Proof of Concept (PoC) environment, or test an environment before delivery by another supplier as a second opinion or independent (delivery) test. A striking example is an upgrade of an internet line to a bandwidth that is difficult to mimic in terms of connection numbers and bandwidth. For example, a customer increases their bandwidth to 10Gbps and wants to test whether the firewall cluster can handle the load. In this case, we test not only the bandwidth but also the ratios in the traffic being offered, which is currently visible on the Internet, the connections in numbers, connections per second, and the offered data packets per second. Each customer and each test has its own characteristics that we can mimic with our service. The test runs for an agreed-upon time and is always concluded with a report of test results and, where necessary, an advisory report with recommendations.