Transportation & Leisure, Legal & Financial, Healthcare, Government & Education, Manufacturing & Automotive, Energy, Oil & Gas, E-commerce & Retail

Papendorpseweg 99 3528 BJ Utrecht

BPSOLUTIONS helps organisations set up their Mission Critical IT in a way that makes the organisation smarter and thus able to make progress. We do this by ensuring on the one hand that the IT is always up and running, and on the other hand, we use Data Analytics and AI to ensure that companies are ready for the future, enabling data to truly work for your business. In everything we do, we make the world a little smarter.

Mission Critical IT

Data is one of the most important elements of any organisation. If data is not available to your organisation at the right speed and cost, you cannot carry out your 'mission'. BPSOLUTIONS helps organisations in executing their Mission Critical IT so they can always carry out business operations, accelerate innovation, become smarter, and harness the true value of data.

At BPSOLUTIONS, we believe that mission-critical IT must always be on. If it is not available, you cannot carry out your 'mission'. It is also where we add the most value to your business. We are not just a trusted advisor and a trusted provider of managed services, cloud, or IT infrastructure solutions. We are part of your value chain. This means you can build your business based on our understanding of the underlying data, applications, IT infrastructure, and operations.
Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Satisfaction is measured through all our processes and adjusted immediately. Customers who are our promoters help us achieve our growth ambitions. Therefore, we will always go the extra mile to keep our customers very satisfied. BPSOLUTIONS has achieved the highest scores in areas such as Customer Delight (92), Competencies (94), Customer Orientation (93), and Satisfaction with Managed Services (9.2). This is a very high score that we at BPSOLUTIONS are particularly proud of and reflects our commitment to our customers. (Source: Giarte IT Xperience Monitor 2021)

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Services at PLTFRM: 7