
Data & AI

Data today is one of the most important assets an organization has. Often this is data that the competition does not have access to. From this data information is extracted and visualized which can lead to new insights, commercial opportunities and competitive advantages.

In addition to collecting and obtaining insights, it is important to protect this data, since it is the future competitive advantage. In addition, few organizations that lean on IT overcome a complete loss of their digital business.

The PLTFRM community has experts for protecting and leveraging data. Finally, for modern data solutions (Edge solutions) such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, office automation and “Internet of Things” solutions, organizations have also come to the right place at PLTFRM:

  • Data scan: With PLTFRM partners we look at the organization's data so that it is clear what data there is and how it can best be accessed and presented. In addition, we look at the competencies of your team in order to match them. The first step from data to value creation.
  • Storage: Storing the data is essential. Data needs to be stored in a place where it is flexibly available, secure and where only you have access to this critical data. For this purpose, PLTFRM partners offer various storage options including cloud storage or object storage.
  • Backup: Backup services for backup of your Windows environment, backup-as-a-service and custom solutions.
  • Data insights: Data insights can be obtained in a variety of ways. Think of enterprise search solutions, where searches can be conducted throughout the company, but also digital twins. Digital twins are digital representations of an object or area that can be enriched with additional information, and on which models can be run that you would not, or not so easily, be able to run in real life. The PLTFRM network of partners offers a range of possibilities.
Edge: Use of modern techniques at the edge of the network, the edge. Examples include home automation, IOT applications in smart buildings, blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge of the network to convert calculations and operations to actions without delay. A set of specialized PLTFRM partners supports organizations with these issues.

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