

Applications are the primary way users interact with IT. Achievement of business goals, innovations, security and flexibility all arise from the capabilities of the applications in use. Especially now, continuous work on agility, security and innovations is essential for any organization. With PLTFRM's partners, new applications can be created at lightning speed, in traditional code or with a low-code approach. With the current shortage on the labor market, it can also be desirable to outsource the management of existing applications or to ask for help in solving elusive problems and monitoring.

By working with experts in the application field, organizations can achieve digitization faster, more effectively and more securely. PLTFRM helps to determine the strategy, supports in the design process where needed and, together with the partners, manages the success of the chosen solution.

The application services that can be purchased via PLTFRM are:

  • Application development: Designing an application in a design sprint, developing new applications as a service, hiring a complete development team or hiring extra help, optionally from students or outside of the Netherlands.
  • Application management: Managing applications by an external team or extension of your own teams. PLTFRM's partners manage all types of web applications, integration software and applications such as SAP, Oracle and MSSQL databases. For any type of application, PLTFRM can take the burden off an organization.
  • Quality & Testing: In developing and in using an application, quality is vital. If a user is unable to work due to a failed release or incident it causes frustration, increased costs and reduced productivity. Proper testing and monitoring of applications are important services for any organization. PLTFRM's partners are experts in the field of quality assurance and can quickly identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Low-code: Building applications takes valuable time. By building new digital functionality within a low-code platform or with pre-built code building blocks, development time can be drastically reduced. PLTFRM and its partners help choose the right type of low-code solution, implement, monitor quality and manage the application.

Results: 1 Services




PLTFRM services


Software Requirements Sprint

Categorie: Preparation Application Development

A successful software project starts off well with an inventory of the actual demand: what should the product be able to do in general? Avisi addresses this question with a Software Requirements Sprint: a one to two-day session for functional inventory and determining an MVP (minimal viable product).

The Software Requirements Sprint consists of a session with one or more product or domain specialists, a software engineer and requirements engineers. A requirements engineer leads the session, guiding all participants in systematically breaking down the product into user stories: an easily understandable functional description of the product. The end result of the Software Requirements Sprint is a visualised book that includes:

  • Context and vision: The context and vision describe the environment in which the software solution provides value. The vision clarifies the long-term goals, providing frameworks and direction for future steps.
  • Stakeholders: A fictitious world view includes the defined stakeholders: a shared understanding of stakeholders meant for discussion, as well as build and test activities. Realistic (yet fictional) personas are succinctly described.
  • User story map: A user story map presents a transparent overview of the desired features (product backlog). The user story map indicates which user stories belong to which milestone. The user story map also includes the stakeholders again, along with the desired functionality per stakeholder.
  • Technical system overview & prerequisites: The initial version of a technical system overview can be found in the elaboration. The combination of desired functionality, connections with external systems, and non-functional aspects, determines the software architecture.
  • Roadmap & cost estimation: Lastly, the roadmap and associated cost estimation. The roadmap includes priorities: which functionalities or components are scheduled with what priority in the plan. Additionally, the roadmap includes activities to address (technical) risks, for example, through a Proof of Concept. The cost estimation provides insight into the required time and financial investment, estimating the first steps on the established roadmap.